13907 Cherry Tree Crossing
Brandywine, Maryland
Last updated 09/24/2012
Résumé Summary for Non-profit, Education, and Administrative work
Non-profit work. Speaker. Community activist. Administrative assistance. Adult training. Childhood education. Interfaith-related work. Please request print copy by clicking on the email link
above. Resume for Internet work is here.
Internet Communications including Online Social Networks, Resource Developer, Resource Compiling, Group Organizer, Innovative
Thinking. Over 15 yrs. experience as an active member of several different
civic, advocacy, and religious organizations. Hands-on experience educating
children and adults of all ages. Writer. Speaker. Sign Language: SEE, PSE,
& some ASL (I'd be happy to explain the difference if needed).
Operating systems: both Windows & Apple; Microsoft Word & PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Dreamweaver & HTML (web site development & management), Adobe CS4 package (Soundbooth, Photoshop, Illustrator), Excel, Audacity (audio editing), iMovie (video editing), several email software programs, and email list programs.
Web Site Developer/Entrepreneur, Dowling Web Design/Dowling Web Consulting & Training,
Brandywine, MD 1996-present
Developed 30+ web sites, including design
and content for some; several for non-profit or as a community service; including spam-resistant email links.
Work closely with internet service provider
to offer a wide variety of services.
Serve as Email List Manager for over 30
email listservs using different software & services.
Provide Search Engine Optimization services - many sites get top keyword hits in Google.
Provided regular mailings to members, the
press, and politicians.
Scheduled meetings and appointments
Managed database
Assisted with retreats and other forums
Director of Religious Education, Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church, Camp Springs, MD 1990-95
Administered 45-child educational program in 120+ member church
Provided teacher recruitment and training
Worked with Committee and Board
Managed budget
Maintained database, library, and file
Community Activist, Prince George's County, Maryland
Developed and maintain
Prince Georgians Care, a community service web site, as a clearinghouse
of information for county community and advocacy organizations, includes
Serve on Prince George's County Civic Federation
as secretary & liaison for Brandywine North Keys Civic Association
Serve as Board Member
to Prince George's County Historical Society since 2001.
Served as Public Relations Chair of Davies
Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church 1995-2006
Served as county liaison & was pollwatching trainer during 2004 election for TrueVoteMD
Served as Beacon House Community Ministries
Liaison to Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church 1991-2004
Served on these boards,
task forces & committees in 1980's: Maryland Committee for Children
Public Policy Committee, Governor's Advisory Task Force on Child Care Regulations,
Quality Child Care Network Director, Prince George's County Family Day Care
Association Legislation and Education Committees
Work in Education, various locations 1982-present
Substitute teacher at Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing for Prince George's County Public Schools
Provided training in family day care for childcare providers at Prince George's Community College, Maryland Committee for Children, Charles County Community College, Child Care Institute, Community College of Baltimore, and the Department of the Navy
Religious educator volunteer at Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church teaching infants to adults, subjects included world religions, self-esteem, community, diversity, respecting the environment, peace and justice, critical thinking, history, and sexuality
Provide Sign Language classes and have created videos
Family Day Care Provider, self-employed, Clinton, MD
Administered program for 2-8 children
Provided early childhood
education program
Offered Integrated program for infants to
Managed budget
Maintained database, library,
and files
Writing & Speaking
Contributed to The Enneagram of Death: Helpful Insights on Grief, Fear, and Dying (2012)
Wrote and presented several lay worship
services for Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church (1991 - 2012)
Speaker at Several Conferences, including
the General
Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the National Family Day Care Association's annual conference
Contributed to The Giant Encyclopedia
of Science Activities for Children 3 to 6 (1998) and The Giant Encyclopedia
of Theme Activities (1993), published by Gryphon House; Windmills, Worship
and Wonder: Ideas for Intergenerational Worship (1996) and Together Time
(2001) published by the Greater Washington Association Religious Education Council;
and The Arc of the Universe Is Long: Unitarian Universalists, Anti-Racism and the Journey from Calgary published by Skinner House Books (2009); and was quoted in
Homeschool Your Child for Free by LauraMaery Gold, Joan M. Zielinski (2009), The Charge of the Chalice by Rev. John Crestwell, Jr. (2007),The complete idiot's guide to homeschooling by Marsha Ransom (2001) , and Working Mother magazine (1990)
Wrote articles in newsletters for Maryland
Committee for Children, Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church and
other organization to which belong(ed)
Wrote letters to the editor to newspapers
which have been published
Wrote and contributed to web site content,
including Coping strategies and Spiritual thoughts on peace
for ICan Online - The Leading Disability Community
Outstanding UU Adult Award from The Joseph Priestley District of the Unitarian Universalist Association on April 28, 2007
For "many years of service that have embodied the ideals of Unitarian Universalism, reflected in her leadership positions in her congregation, her service at the District level on the Baltimore/Washington Growth Committee, her active service in web design and outreach, and in her dedication to the larger UU faith."
Humanitarian Award from United Nations Association
For organizing the most
diverse interfaith worship service ever held in Washington, DC
Arno Winard Social Justice Award
"For the children"
- advocacy efforts to improve child care in the state of Maryland and the
Certificate of Achievement by Prince George's Civic Federation for "Her Continued Service to the Federation" in 2008
First Nationally Accredited Family Day Care Provider
in Prince George's County by the National Association of Family Day Care in
First Monitor in the state of Maryland of the National Accreditation Program of the National Association of Family Day Care in 1989
Nominated for Prince George's Volunteer Award in 1988